Structure of an HRA Chapter

A Holy Royal Arch Chapter is quite different in structure to a Craft Lodge. There are three Principals who jointly preside over the Chapter; three Sojourners; three Guardians of the Veils and two Scribes: Ezra and Nehemiah, who fulfil similar roles to the Secretary and Inner Guard respectively in a Craft Lodge.

The First, Second and Third Principals generally serve for one year and choose their team; the Principals, Treasurer and Janitor being elected and all other officers being then appointed.

The progressive offices, in order of progression, are: Janitor, Steward, Guardian of the First Veil, Guardian of the Second Veil, Guardian of the Third Veil, Second Assistant Sojourner, First Assistant Sojourner, Principal Sojourner, Scribe Nehemiah, Third Principal, Second Principal and First Principal.

The other offices are: Organist, Choirmaster, Almoner, Director of Ceremonies, Assistant Director of Ceremonies, Scribe Ezra, Assistant Scribe Ezra, Treasurer and Chaplain.